Explore, Discover, Do

Get involved with the AWE mission! Perform mission challenges, explore AWEsome activities, and track the mission on the ISS.

Atmospheric gravity waves seen as ripples in the clouds.

Mission Challenges

Catch a Wave!

Waves are all around us. You may see rippling waves in the clouds, notice them when you walk, bike, and hike, or even make one in a rain puddle or pond. Observe the waves you see and make note of their energy, direction, and effects. Catch a wave in a photo and share your observations with family and friends.

Build an AWEsome Instrument

Build a simple or complex AWE instrument of your own using your imagination and junk found around your space. Let your engineering ingenuity run wild! Focus on the outside shape of the instrument that protects the telescopes and electronics. Then share your instrument with family and friends.

Explore Earth’s Atmosphere

Earth’s atmosphere is important to the AWE mission. Use your knowledge and creativity to draw, paint, or create an AWEsome work of art that shows Earth’s atmosphere. Include its layers and anything else you think belongs there. Then have an exhibit with family and friends.

Countdown to Launch

Prepare for mission blast off by becoming NASA’s Virtual Guest and building a countdown wheel! Gather your family and friends and explore what it takes to launch a rocket into space. Learn about basic countdown steps, the meaning of terms like “T-minus” and “L-minus,” and how you can be a virtual guest at the AWE launch.

Build a Robotic Arm

After AWE’s AMTM docks on the ISS, a robotic arm extracts it from the launch vehicle and attaches it to the ISS. See how the robotic arm works and build your own to re-enact this impressive technology.

Become a Citizen Scientist

After the AMTM is mounted on the ISS, it begins collecting image data. AWE’s science and research teams will analyze the data to learn more about space weather. Learn how to gather data and become a citizen scientist by participating in a variety of fun research activities.

AWEsome Activities

Become a Jr. AWE Mission Specialist

Download the workbook and begin your AWEsome adventure.

An image of the AWE Fun Pad.

Have Fun with AWE

Discover AWEmazing mission fun facts by completing games, mazes, and more.

Get Started
A person coloring a planet with a brown crayon.

Color the AWE Mission

Make your space a bit brighter with color! Download and print AWE-inspired coloring pages.

An instructor and students waving a large candy wave model.

Make a Candy Wave Model

Grab your friends and build a candy wave model to explore AGWs and energy transmission.

(Credit: Lenovo StoryHub)

Deliver AWE to the ISS

Build a rocket to take AWE’s payload up to space!


Share the AWE Mission

Download and send the AWE mission e-postcard to your family and friends.

(Credit: NASA)

Assemble Your Own ISS

AWE will perch on the ISS to observe AGWs in the upper atmosphere. Learn more about the ISS and assemble your own model.


Where Is the ISS?

Related Resources

Get involved with NASA science in your home.

Science At Home

Explore NASA Earth and space games, activities, and challenges.

Space Place

Become a NASA virtual guest at every launch.

Virtual Guest Program

Join a volunteer group to study and promote awareness of the cosmos.

Amateur Astronomy Association

Build a professional network and take part in all things physics.

Society of Physics Students

Explore NASA Heliophysics to learn about the Sun and how it influences space.

Atmospheric Waves Experiment
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The material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract Number 80GSFC18C0007.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.